
Friday, July 27, 2018

Maths Problem algebra review

In Rimu this week we were reviewing what we remembered in maths. And we were told to post what we wanted to teach a strategy on our blogs. This one was a tiny bit tricky for me.
I hope this helps.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Term 2 Reflections

For the end of the term, my class did reflections about our term at school. We were instructed to answer the questions and set the answers separate from the other answers. We were also instructed to post this on our blogs. Also here is a picture of how I feel about this term.

What has worked well this term, Was my writing because It wasn’t too hard for to finish in time and my maths because I found it really hard to get it on time but I finished it, I have improved really well on it.

The things that haven't gone well is my timetable because I have found it really hard to get stuff done on time because of my other things that take up my time slot and It doesn't work for me depending on the time.

What has challenged me this term was my timetable because it was really hard to get through but I got through it because I worked at home and did it in my breaks. I also was challenged in my maths because I didn’t have much time to ask the teachers or students for help but I got this done by doing it in my breaks and now I can do some of it with Linda. I was also challenged by my reading groups because I found It a bit tricky to understand the text but I achieved getting a good understanding by using my knowledge of language and other things.

I have shown the HERO behavior the school values by being responsible when doing my work, I showed this because I was paying attention and try really hard on it/looking after my things and being enthusiastic.

My focus for next term will be my English because I need to get better at writing and reading because my comprehension will be higher.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Tsunamis Slide

In reading for the past two weeks, my group did a reading slide about tsunamis. The teachers gave us an option to post any of our reading stuff for this term and post it our blog. I did lots of stuff hope you enjoy. I also posted this to share so people can read it.

Maths Coordinates.

In Rimu this week, our class had to do coordinates for maths and make our own treasure maps. The teacher gave us the option to post any of our maths work on our blogs. I hope you can figure out my puzzle. Also, I am going to show you how to do coordinates for maths.

Digi Awards 2018

In Rimu this week, I had finished my Digi awards with Teegan. The theme for this year was dream big, so my and Teegan’s dream was to stop global warming. We did a creative image in Google Drawings. I chose to post this on my blog because I am proud of what I have done with Teegan and wanted to share it with you so I could get feedback on it. Hope you like it.

My Newspaper.

In Rimu for the past 7 days,s I had been making my own newspaper.The teachers instructed us to post this on our blogs. I wrote two stories and my opinion of this experience was that it was a 8 out of 10.I also added comic strips and adds to this too. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Poetry Anthology

In Rimu this year I did a poetry slide for types of poems and made my own examples. The teachers instructed us to post are poetry slide on our blogs. I hope you enjoy them.