In Rimu this week I wrote a story about Nerf guns.
I felt like writing and then I had a light bulb in my head and that was that.I hope you will like this and especially if you are a Nerf fan.
Ian and Jacob were have a peaceful day playing Over Watch.
Bang! Ian and Jacob saw a gang of grandmas with Nerf guns.
“ Take cover !”, said Ian.
They got out there Nerf guns’ and they were ready for battle.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Jacob shot four of them and Ian was shooting lots of them + being trigger happy at the same time. Jacob got a balloon and filled it with… paint and shot the granny’s best shooter. Then Ian got out his ak47 Nerf gun and shot the granny’s leader. Filled with determination, Ian and Jacob destroyed everyone, one granny ran away + the rest, they had won.
the end.
How wonderful to have a light bulb go off in your head. I did not realise that grannies could be so dangerous. I do love the idea that nerf guns are for all generations. Now that you have won the war how will you 'win the peace?'