
Friday, April 13, 2018

Writing A Story From A Image

In Rimu this week, I was doing writing with my my group. We were instructed to post writing we had done for term 1. We did some writing for a story that would make it more of an image in your mind. I hope you enjoy.

This was the time I was waiting for, for years I was working on. I didn’t want to be famous I wanted to be immortal. So I forgot to tell you where I was… I was in the abandoned suburb with nothing but dead grass in the middle of noun with the caml sky with some clouds, in my opinion the layout would would be a good painting. Now I am going to fly in the air by going swish swish wah. 3 minutes later,,, Well that sucked.

Palindromes Maths

In Maths this week, my maths group was doing Palindromes. To explain how they just incase if you don’t know, I will show you then instructions I got from my teachers. We were instructed by the teachers to put any math thing on my blog, so I decided to post this. I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, April 12, 2018


In Rimu for the past few weeks we have been doing reading work for the book our teacher read to us. We were instructed to make the slide, out all the work we had finished and post it on our blogs. I also forgot to add that some people might of posted other reading stuff. I hope you will enjoy.