- Capital: berlin wikipedia
- population capital: 82.29 mil
- worldpopulationreview.com/countries/germany-population/
- Weather 30F wikipedia.org.
- Northern hemisphere
- Common language Main german English, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Kurdish, Polish, Vietnamese, Croatian, Greek, Serbian.
- https://www.yatra.com/international-tourism/berlin/languag.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Summer learning journey
Pet day 2018
In rimu last week we had pet day. Pet day is a day when it is focused on stuff to do with pets and agricultural activities. I had not witnessed the hole day because we had to leave early. I had enjoyed this day but wasn't really phased by it. If you didn't have a pet you could use a toy or a rock. I used a pig (toy). My highlight of the day was seeing the ducks getting led by a dog. To top this of, here our some photos. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Waste not want not
In Rimu this term we had been doing inquiries on pollution. I had chose to do air. I had found this a bit challenging because the person who had started the inquiry was never really clear with me but I did pull through. I chose to post this because It was my finished work of this week. I had found this ok but I wasn't really interested in this because I all ready new alot about air pollution and waste from other events. The thing I mainley enjoyed doing was how to keep air clean at your own home. Also I have made a survey that you people can go on if you want to try this. I made it for kids from year five up. The survey is for my inquiry so please go on it.Link
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Luke for the flower part 2 ! finishing and illustrating soon.
In rimu this week I had continuing my series that I had posted elyar last week. I posted this because I wanted this to become a good story line. I had just finished writing part two today. Is there any ideas you have, please tell me them if you do I might add new character.
I hope you enjoy.
I hope you enjoy.
“So was that easy to do?”
“Well the thing that I thought was-”
“ ehh don’t care. So let's go two snowdin.”
The pair walked along the way, traveling on their trip to Snowdin.
As the way went along, the crab keeped on taking bathroom breaks and kept on talking to its sock.
“ Barnaby the sock, what should I eat.” “Barnaby the sock are snowman white dogs.” Barnby the sock, are you my uncle.”
Ian kept going like this for the hole trip, did Luke have enough strength take this…
Now they had made it there. Ian had decided to eat at Grillby's the little bar in next to the houses at the trees. When they had entered through the door, Ian had saw a horrible crime. A person had been sitting in Ian’s booth. Grilbie the owner had witnessed the crabs destress and tried to smooth things over.
“ I’m sorry Ian but I couldn’t tell you and he frightens me.” grills stress made his flames grow stronger.
Ian looked at the sitter. He was buff looked like a shark with human body similarities.
“Hey pal, you are sitting in my booth please leave.”
The sitter was not phazed.
Ian had to resort to his emergency repluser. Ian put his arm on the sharks shoulder. 5 longly lasted second passed and the shark walked off crying. Luke had learned, don’t mess with Ian the crab.
“Ok let's eat,” said Luke,” I’m starving.” He was too hungry to take in what happend. “What type of flower do you want, if you ask me there really easy to get, so why ask me.”
“ this one is special, only on of it kind and it lurks around. It's filled with determination.” “ It was looking for a yellow sole, that's how came to you. How do I say this us crab’s have the ability to see sole without going to into battle to see them, so when I noticed you saw something that looked like a yellow heart. We can see a lot of things also we can see the best in people and the worst… With other stuff to…
Any way let's get back to the subject, we will stay at my place then we will go continue on our jeroney.’
Luke woke up with a aching pain in his head. A red lump was forming. Ian dropped a frying pan. “ ok, the flower usually hangs around in the snowdin forest or the core lab. Some people have seen it moving along in the darkness every hour then. Some people who were board have kept logs when they had seen it. Noted and marked its whereabouts and when it usually did goe to that place, so they could make notes of it’s schedule, so they could watch it like bird watchers, waiting for something unexpected to happen.” “ we are going to collect it.”
Friday, November 23, 2018
Put myself in a story
In Rimu this week we had an activity to make our self in a story. I had enjoyed this concept because I could put myself in something I love. Also the character I played showed my more hyper personality in a way. I chose to do this because this was what I had finished this week and was new. I based this of Undertale.
I hope you enjoy.
I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Hooked On Books!
In Rimu this week we have been participating in reading a range of stories and different gunras. We have read 3 books by now and have two more to go. I had enjoyed most of them but one of them just wasn't for.
One was about a chilling adventure between this boy and the "world". The second one was a light hearted funny book, I personally see this for kids of 8 to 9 maximin. The 3rd one was about a boy that kept quite to him self with secrets, and chilling plots.
I had enjoyed the 3rd on the most but didn't get to finish it. To top this of I will show you some photos of the work I had to do to it.
One was about a chilling adventure between this boy and the "world". The second one was a light hearted funny book, I personally see this for kids of 8 to 9 maximin. The 3rd one was about a boy that kept quite to him self with secrets, and chilling plots.
I had enjoyed the 3rd on the most but didn't get to finish it. To top this of I will show you some photos of the work I had to do to it.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Direct Speech DLO
In rimu this week and the last we had been learning about direct speech for a our new story tale writing. I found this moderately ok to do. If there is any feedback how to make this better please
tell me. I made this for something new to post for this week. Hope you enjoy
tell me. I made this for something new to post for this week. Hope you enjoy
Friday, November 9, 2018
Prefix help UN RE MIS PRE
In rimu this week I did prefix learning and one of the instructions was to make a DLO about the prefixes I had been given. I had made an google drawing to show a way of learning this. I found this reasonably easy to do. Please give me any advice to make this better.
I hope you enjoy.
I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Sailing 2018
In Rimu last week, we went off our heels, sailing at Lake Rua ! The teachers instructed us to post this on our blogs.
Firstly we drove to the lake grounds and got prepared. Secondly we were taught about how to gear up a boat.
The sky was blue with the clouds looking more elegant than ever with the clouds overlapping each over. I found it a bit tricky with the ropes but I “surprisingly” pulled through. We had learnt how the ropes work to support our boat. I continued to look at the way it was being put together and tried to think of ways of how the things would work together because I didn’t really take in the right amount of information, my BAD. When the boat was set up, we waited when the others were done. The puting continued to happen until some time later. The following task was how to learn how to use it.
It was broken into two parts. The first was how to control the boat by pulling the string up to your hand and switching it to the other hand to control its power and speed. It went something like this. I vaguely remember that I was pulling the string up to my hand and moving the grabbing hand into a grip. I got really confused how the wanted me to do this, so I fourtnily got some HELP, I imagine people going like opera singers. Next part of the first task was to move the stick to make it move, the stick control resembled a join stick figure. We had to hold it like a microphone when we used it. We had to do the string thing and the stick thing kinda of at the same time (sorry for the blandness). Now for the second task of this task was too learn how to duck under the sail and with back to our controls as we are moving (we did this on land.) I found this a bit hard but I actually did it wright. I got use to it after a few tries. We had to pivet as we moved to the other side. I'm happy that I remembered how to pivot from my boxing lessons. Also I would like to describe these actions like a spinning tornado swerving to a place in a timed manor over and over again.
After that was done we were going to practise on water. To be honest I did not take part the two particular events (in saling). I did not this because there was a lot of confusion stress, and not knowing what decision to make in the end. I felt a little bad that I sat out but it wasn’t the end of the world for me.
To add some stuff what also happened in that day I will show you guys and girls some photos.
To finish this off. The head of the Student council gave our instructs our thanks and we went of on our way back to school.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
My Recount 2
In Rimu for the past almost month, we had been improving our recount skills from last year. I had written about athletics with the funny end to it. I found it harder to describe the detail a bit because after the pain of I had felt the memory of its kind was a little bit vague but to my advantage, I still remembered everything in order. I believe I have improved a bit better than last time and for me, any improvement is good enough for me.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Measuring angles in a triangle.
In rimu, for the past two weeks, we had been doing maths geometry and measurement so I thought I would teach you how to do this. The video might not be as clear as I wanted it because when I am deciding what to say on camera, I can tend to stutter a bit and not make as much sense. Please tell me if it was helpful. This is also similar to my other maths workshops.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
In Rimu this week, we were improving our pretend recount based on the animation we saw. We had two choices one to be the grandpa or the grandkid. Please know that it might not as sound as good because I tried to make it sound like one from a kids eyes and he sounds really smart also. I chose to post this because this was the finished thing to show this week. I thought this was a bit hard to do from a kid's eyes.
Is there stuff that you would think to make this better? I also would like to add, Is there any good short stories to make my own version of, please tell me if you can thanks. This is also like the Rainmaker story I did as well if you have seen that post.
I hope you enjoy. check out my other stuff too please and see cool stuff I have made.
Today I went to grandpas house. I previously was going to spend my time with dad but he had work again. The car drove its self to the direction of the garage. After that, he sat me down and continued to mow the lawn. I felt pure boredom mixed with the feeling of sadness. I had come up with the IDEA… It was to climb up the boxes as I saw the glittering trolley with its red and white strips shining in the light of the soon resting sun. At that moment I scrambled up the old boxes to take a closer look. For your information that went tarball. My weight with the help of the trolley, we fell down like stones. The trolley fell down with the dated photo in the light. This scared him very much. But his mind had changed when he saw the photo. He said, “ this used to be your dad’s, let's go to the park.”
Now I put on the helmet, size. Then we were on our way. Adrenaline was coming out of grandpa’s eyes. “I guess your dad didn’t tell you about the escaped sewer monkeys.” He said this with grace. Now we were playing. I imagined the house’s turning into a forest, as the sunset was getting more and more beautiful. The trees were black the fog is lime green. And out of know where the monkeys had come with there red eyes shining into the distance. They slung slashed in the jungle vines. We were running into the water as our trollery turned into a boat. We were now at pice looking a the calm waterfall bright as ever with the hills looking like orange and beige had a baby, I thought it was going to stay like this but I was severely wrong. We were going down the ahh! Have we had met our very ends?
But to our advantage, the boat turned into a plane. It was the beginning of a cool friendship with my grandpa. We were having the time of our lives. But that moment had to come to an end because we quickly ran out of gas, we still had fun despite we were going down in a bang slowly.
Now we were back at the bump at the park, peering over the autumn leafs. At this time grandpa had “discovered” another problem. The aliens were ready to attack. The trolley had transformed into a space-cycle. The stars were shining in the light of the cosmos. Enemy ships were forming in platoons. Their ships looked like ovals with lime green lighting around them. I was wearing a white space suit. The ships came closer at drastic speed. I shot them with my raid pistol. The whole group went down like statuses. I skidded around with grandpa, who was happy as larry. Swish! The beams sucked us in the mother ships fire range. I pulled out my gun ready to shoot. And then that was dad. He came out of the car and picked me up. That was it and it was the best day of my life so far.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Term 4 is a novel study for Rimu 2018, so here it is. I chose to post this because I would like you to see how my work progress. This will commence until the remainder of the term. My book was Anne Frank version B updated version. Please give me feedback on how I wrote things. First opinion of Anne Frank 17/10 2018. " I love her sense of humour and her philosophy' of her classes atmosphere. I also like the occasional comment of her new opinion of her past references."
I have enjoyed this as how much I have read it so far. Hope you enjoy.
I have enjoyed this as how much I have read it so far. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, September 28, 2018
In rimu this week I did lots of statistics work and I thought that some people would get confused with the 3M and R. I posted this because I was from the instructions on my slide asked me too. Please give me feedback if this helps and maybe give me some ideas for the example. I hope this helps.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Health Form 2
Last week the Yaldhurst Model School Student Council of which I am a member met other student counsels. I chose to post this because I thought you guys might be interested in what happened. We first heard the speeches presented by the school leaders... Then we played a game like rock, paper, scissors and if we won we would go egg to chicken, chicken to the eagle, eagle to moa then to dinosaur etc... Then we looked around some stands about other student counsels' projects and the occasional, not a counsel stand, such as the neighbourhood watch. I enjoyed the stand made by the school where the students clean up their outdoor environment or help their outdoor environment in some way. That is all.
Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
My 3d Printed Toy !
In Lincoln this week I did some 3d printing on Tinkercad. I made a character action figure based on my person in Dungeons & Dragons. I found it a bit challenging at first hand but I scraped that old figure and made a new one. I chose to post this because I didn't have anything finished to post so had an idea to post this and it was a really fresh Idea. I hope you enjoy.
Friday, September 21, 2018
Michel's Path Writing!
First I would like to say this is a restricted story, it contains graphic writing. I made this for 13 to 14-year-olds so I am warning you it is quite dark and detailed.⚠ There might be some mistakes because I might have not picked it up on the time. I posted this because I was instructed by the teachers and also I wanted to show you my work. I found it a bit hard to do but I pulled through in the end. I hope you enjoy.
Michels Path.
The year was 2084, the mess had started most people had joined a religious village for some sought of “closure”. All cults religions were getting bigger. The new world peace summits had come to a decision to make all the countries citizens would have to join the villages or they would be isolated and treated badly as if it was racism. This continued to the mixed message story… Michel was skinny, his bones darted out as he moved. His eyes are average size with the light blue shining with life. He walks like skeleton, who has lost balance. He had brown buzz cut hair.
Michel was in one of these villages as he was forced by his “Lovely” foster parents” They were the top of the line for being pathetic they should get a trophy for it. Ding! They were so fixated on finding the “true light”. They had looked at everything satanism, paganism, judaism, mason,,catholic , baptism and jw.
Now they had found the right one great-tisim.
The ongoing day, Michel was writing in his log.
Log, today I had been chosen to do the jabbing. Red had told me not to do it, blue had disagreed. But in the end I sticked with blue and declined with grace. The anger of me disobeying the law, the priest had sent spikes into my sole. The continuing anger he gives me I take in. Oh I’m the second highest priest I am they eye of the wrong blah blah blah, I wish he was dead. I would be the one to kill him, just kidding. Good bye.
Michael had been from family to family because of his personality. He would scare them of with his mental health. It had got worse one day and had caused his third foster family to discard him to the trash, leaving him waiting to get something from the family charity box. One day some caregivers were taking in orphans. He was took him in after the following months, he has been with them ever since...
Right now,
Michel was walking to get a snack with his ongoing hunger. Thud! S-pla-ch-t! The energy shields bars had fell down like rolling dominoes. Michel ran frantically to the broken wall. He felt the ground getting moisture. Ti-plo-p! Ti-plo-p! Ti-plo-p! Was this liquid. He walked closer. He could see a silhouette. As he walked it got bigger, every step there was a crunch of hollow twigs snapping,with the leafs giving some help along the way. The sky was white with the grey clouds, with neon light blue trying to make an entrance. The ground was hard as a mountain. The village looked like a sci fi space camp mixed with old 19th century cottage. The white specks of snow flying around in art, mixed in with all the elgent in the world.
He was now closer. He could finally make out what was there it was a body. The blood was burgundy with scarlet and black mixing into one. It was a five-year-old girl with a teddy bear in her hand. She was wearing a grey dress with her hazel hair braided into a bun. Help he screamed with fire. He put his coat onto on to her body. bump! bump! Bump! His heart beat fast. HELP! He screamed again. The screaming had got the priest attention. He looked with anger. His hair was grey long and hadn't been cleaned. His stomach bulging out of his shirt. With his pale face, chilly pepper nose pointing in a straight line. With his closed chin tensing as he said every word. “You did this, I knew you were the crow of the village, you were trying to become a terrorist. I had been praying for you day and day.” The wind blew across the priest's unenlightened face, his eyes grey eyes were clear, the pupils was darker than oblivion. His fear made him wobble with his skeleton legs forcing him into the ground with his legs pointing crooked in opposite position to the normal stance. Michel was stuck and he was doomed.
Part one over
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
The Purple Stove Story. (writing)
In writing last week I made a story based on a thing I made in an online game. I chose to post this because I didn't have my maths and my writing stuff finished. So I thought I would post this story. I wonder if the society will get big. I found it a bit challenging to write but I pulled through in the end.
I hope you enjoy.
I hope you enjoy.
The purple stove is a religious society that started in the year 2018 it was a society for people to do their stuff in another form, some sought of privacy they stated. The long days of the society were quite spiritual they score the supreme being as the purple stove the source of all the main elements in the world, it was like the Freemasons it was kinda like a god but it also didn’t have much of a human mind. The stove could be the Jewish, Catholic, Baptist or Jehovah. But they didn’t believe it would make contact with people, it was a more secret being but still, there was times it made contact. The members started contacting each over in private servers for special meetings. The top leader made a deal with anonymous to make there secret chats on the deep web.
4 ranks there in the society.
- S
- T
- O
- V
- E
The 5th rank is optional you achieve it if you have all 4 ranks and have bet the trial tom.
The trial of tom: you have to write down the the laws 5 times a week for two months.
And post it on the private site.
People joined a private padlet only some were allowed in. In the end, the stove people disbanded into private groups for different elements they liked better than the other ones but all members are still united as one. The founders book is posted online. The makers had made this so the believers could be united . The remaining members are putting in money for advertisement. The founder has stated that we will be here forever.
5 members have left the group and is posting bad stuff about them online.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Te reo Maori Slide
In rimu this term I have been doing te reo Maori. I posted this so I could show you something other than reading and writing. Ps, this updates all the time, so check it again if you want to. I found saying the words tricky but I did ok I think. Please tell me if you liked my work. Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
REFUGEE Reading !
In Rimu for the past few weeks, we have been reading Refugee by Alan Gratz. I edit this weekly for some continuing time of (2018). I chose to post this because I haven't posted my reading work for a while.
(12 of August) I enjoyed doing the activities for this. I found some of the questions hard but I followed through. I hope you enjoy.
Friday, September 7, 2018
My Mini Inquiry !
In Rimu this week. I did a practice inquiry for my bigger inquiry. We were instructed to post our work on our blog. I picked this because I am very proud of it. It has instructions on it to show you how I did it. I found this a little bit tricky but I finished it in the end. Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Ice palace week 2!
In rimu this week for writing we did more ice palace work. I am sorry to say that I am posting another writing thing, I know I did one last week but I just had to show you what I wrote. We had to fill in the blanks of the words and also add 1 or 2 more paragraphs of our own. Then decided to post this on my blog because I had to post today by the teachers and I love what I have done so far with my work. I found it hard and easy at times. It was a tiny bit harder when I had to add another paragraph, in these circumstances. I hope you enjoy.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
The Ice palace
In Rimu this week we did some writing work based on the book, THE ICE PALACE!
I chose to post this on my blog. We first had to look at some photos and write some sentences based on the idea of the photos we saw. Then we wrote a story based on the starting sentence from the book and the sentence we picked that I wrote myself.
I would love you guys and girls to give feedback if I need to change my sentences or add, or take away anything. I hope you enjoy.
Friday, August 24, 2018
In Rimu this week we went to the waste management center to see how it works etc. We also learned about the 5Rs reduce, reuse, recycle, recover And reducedisposal. We also went to the eco store and the eco drop to see what is good for our house that could be reused. Then we went to the eco store to by some stuff for our house, we had a $500 dollar budget. Hope you enjoy the photos. PS sorry if I looked like a robot
Speech 2018
In Rimu 2 weeks ago we wrote our speeches. I wrote one about the impact of joining a religion. I learned that it was really hard to find factors depending on what your speech was about. I found it a bit hard speaking to the class because my original speech was too long and I had to downgrade it and I was a bit of a Wreck trying to make it short enough. My goals were to give it depth, and figurative language. I think it was ok but I think I could give more figurative language. I hope you enjoy
Friday, August 17, 2018
Maths Week Tiny House!
In Rimu this week we made tiny houses. We followed the instructions on the slide and the was instructed to post on our blogs. I made one with my sister. I found it a bit challenging but we finished it in the end. I hope you enjoy.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Maths Worm Investigation
In Rimu this week. I did a worm investigation. I had to have 3 numbers that add up to 13 and the number going two the new line had to add up to 13 without using my old numbers. I posted this to show my strategy to school kids. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Maths Problem algebra review
In Rimu this week we were reviewing what we remembered in maths. And we were told to post what we wanted to teach a strategy on our blogs. This one was a tiny bit tricky for me.
I hope this helps.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Term 2 Reflections
For the end of the term, my class did reflections about our term at school. We were instructed to answer the questions and set the answers separate from the other answers. We were also instructed to post this on our blogs. Also here is a picture of how I feel about this term.
What has worked well this term, Was my writing because It wasn’t too hard for to finish in time and my maths because I found it really hard to get it on time but I finished it, I have improved really well on it.
The things that haven't gone well is my timetable because I have found it really hard to get stuff done on time because of my other things that take up my time slot and It doesn't work for me depending on the time.
What has challenged me this term was my timetable because it was really hard to get through but I got through it because I worked at home and did it in my breaks. I also was challenged in my maths because I didn’t have much time to ask the teachers or students for help but I got this done by doing it in my breaks and now I can do some of it with Linda. I was also challenged by my reading groups because I found It a bit tricky to understand the text but I achieved getting a good understanding by using my knowledge of language and other things.
I have shown the HERO behavior the school values by being responsible when doing my work, I showed this because I was paying attention and try really hard on it/looking after my things and being enthusiastic.
My focus for next term will be my English because I need to get better at writing and reading because my comprehension will be higher.
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