
Thursday, March 24, 2016

My game anmation

I made this game animation for school and I made it because I like old classic and new video games.

My boxing story ep 3

The match ep 3

He’s coming into the ring weighing 240 pounds, the former intercontinental champion John Mcdonald.vs the former world heavyweight champion  James Mcdonald.
They have just come out of retirement.

Round 1 ding,ding,ding. James throws a right and a left. John throws a right and hook.Bam,bam, bam.  

Round 3 ding,ding,ding John throws a right and a left.Then james throws a right and a left. 

Round 4 ding,ding,ding john throws a right and left ,bam,bam,bam, James  throws a right and a left bam,bam,bam.

Round 6 ding, ding, ding John throws a right and a left, bam, bam, bam.  

Round 8 ding, ding, ding James throws a right and a left bam,bam,bam.John dodges and throws a right,left bam,bam,bam,.

Round 10 ding, ding, ding John throws a hook bam,bam,bam, James  throws a right and a left bam, bam, bam. John throws a right and a left bam,bam,bam .James throws a right and a left and a uppercut. James wins the match.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My boxing story ep 2

The match ep 2.
Coming into the ring  weighing 240 pounds the intercontinental champion Tommy  Ford.
Weighing 230 the 8 time world heavy weight champion John
John  throws a right. Then Tommy throws a left and a right. Tommy throws another left and a right. John throws a left a right and a hook. Tommy is knocked down for the first time, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Tommy gets up. Round 2 ding, ding,  ding, ding Tommy throws a right, left, right , left and a stunning hook!  John dodges, then he throws right and a left, right,  left, right, left. These boxers are destroying each other. Round 2 ding ,ding, ding Tommy throws a right hook and a left and a right. James throws left and a right and a left hook. Bam, bam, bam,. They look like they have been in a war. Round 4 ding, ding, ding Tmomy  throws a right and hook, left bam , bam , bam, John throws a right and a left, hook, Round 6 bam, bam, Tommy throws a right and John throws a left and a right. Round 8 ding, ding,  ding,  bam, bam, bam.
Round 10 ding ,ding, ding, ding John throws a right and left plus an uppercut.  John is the new Intercontinental Champion.

Me at camp.

Bree, Ariana and I + year fours and fives  from school went to Hanmer Forest Camp, on March 9 th 2016. We were  at camp for three days It  was an overcast morning with a hint of blue in the sky.  I was happy to go on camp because this was my first camp. I was wearing my baseball cap which is going to be a collectors item, and I am going to get lots of money for it.  It was a two hour drive in my Mumś car to get to camp.  The girls kept on talking for the whole two hours, even when I asked them to be quiet.

Once I found my bunk room with Hunter and called dibs for beds, we then started our first activity.  My group went tree climbing.  I put on gear to climb up the tree, the gear was not comfortable because I felt like I was getting an atomic wedgie! .  I used the branches to pull myself up the tree, because I did not feel comfortable using the wood supports attached to the tree.  When I was happy at the height I reached, I pushed myself away from the tree and was lowered to the ground by the ropes.  Lucy almost made it to the top of the tree, she probably felt quite proud of herself.

When we got back from tree climbing we had home baking.

For dinner on the first night we had lasagna, it did not taste as great as my step mumś.  

After dinner we went to the Hanmer Springs Hot pools where I went on the hydroslides.  I  kept on going backwards and closing my eyes and spinning on the slide.  I went on all of them. My favourite one was the dark slide, because you couldn’t see anything. The super ball was a 5/10 for me, because it was not that fast. The white hydroslide was OK I guess it was kind of like the dark one.  I was so tired from the hydro slides. Two hydro slides were really fast.

In the morning (6 0.0) I got up and went for a run until 7.00am with Mr M and the other kids from my group, it was a tiring start to the day.  When I got back from my run I had rice bubbles and Milo ™.   Then my group did Mission Impossible, I did not enjoy this activity because we had to solve this really difficult puzzle, we had to walk along logs and we had to do some activities without talking!  It was all about team building, and I found it really challenging because I like working with my friends.  After that we walked up Conical Hill and we ate free range blackberrys.  I wished we could´ve walked up the waterfall track, but we couldn´t because of the fire.

At camp I really only liked one thing,  the Hydroslide, because I am not scared of the water and going fast on water.  The camp would´be more enjoyable for me if the Mission Impossible involved decoding messages, giving us activities that we would not expect.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My boxing story

The Match
He's coming in the ring, weighing 220 pounds the world heavy weight champion! John gun, the challenger weighing 230 pounds James Mc Donald.
James throws a right, then Johny throws a left to the ribs. Johny and James keeping on throwing rights and lefts. Round 2 ding, ding, ding! John attacks James in the ribs. James keeps on throwing rights and lefts. Round 4 ding, ding, ding James and Johny are throwing rights and lefts into the ribs. Round 6 ding, ding, ding James throws left and right hook, and with a stunning jab. Round 8 ding, ding, ding John keeps on throwing left hooks. Then James throws rights and lefts. Round 9 ding, ding, ding John keeps on throwing rights and lefts. Then James retaliates. Round 12 John throws rights and lefts, then James dodges it and throws a upper cut.
James won the match.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pong(atari game)

This is my First scratch game ever.I made this last year.It is a basic game.
My game is based on the atari game pong.Try It out!

Wonder in first person.

Last week our writing task was to write a first person essay based on our book 'Wonder' This is the one I wrote. I think the book is quite interesting. Leave a comment!

Wonder is a story about a boy who feels ordinary on the inside, but he is always reminded of how different he is by how people respond when they see him. This is R.J Palacio’s first novel and it is written in the first person.

Example one , he uses  the  first person. For Example in the first paragraph he says,
“my  name is August.I won't describe what I look like.Whatever you're thinking it's probably worse”.

Example two, In the book ‘Wonder’, Palacio uses the  first person point of view to tell the story from chapter one to ten.

In  conclusion  I think that Wonder uses  the first  person in the book.